Transport Empire Wiki

Facebook Specific The Shunting Station is currently a Facebook-only District designed to "help new tycoons automate hitching, unloading, and passenger boarding" Trains and becomes available for construction in Coldport at Level 6.

Why waste our energy coupling carriages or unloading freight after finishing contracts? The Shunting Station will save us a lot of time!
Robb Stone
"Shunting Area"
Cost to Build
Silver Wood Stone Steel Time-icon Immediate SpeedUp
2,500 40 35 10 2:00:00 2 Gold
There are no Upgrades available for this District.


Until construction is complete, you must "manually" Unload contents to collect revenue generated from completion of Transport Contracts Trains by selecting the destination from within the Map and then then selecting the Cargo.

Once built, Revenue will Automatically be Collected without any further interaction from the Player (though it will not offer the option to Restart the Contract as the Control Center District-control-center does).

Quests & Tasks[]

Info Shunting Area - "Build a Shunting Station in Coldport"

  • FB only, triggers at Level 6.