Transport Empire Wiki
Mogul locomotive

Available at Level 10, the Mogul is a powerful, passenger Locomotive: it may not be that quick and reliable - maintenance is quite expensive at the early stage of the game. Previous, fully upgraded Rocket Locomotive is still a better option for cargo services, despite it is a bit slower.

However Mogul gives ability to pull three general/special carriages (when fully upgraded). Excellent choice to obtain silver from passenger services.


The Mogul can pull up to 2 Small or Premium Carriages, or special event Christmas Carriages. Applying the Hitch Hitch (5th Upgrade) allows the Mogul to pull up to 3 Carriages.


Research on the Reliable Plating (2nd Upgrade) for the Rocket locomotive must be complete before Research on the Mogul can begin:

Blueprints Time-icon Immediate SpeedUp
Craft 250 1:30:00 50 Blueprints
Chimney 250 1:30:00 50 Blueprints
Sturdy Fastener 375 1:30:00 50 Blueprints
Brakes 500 1:30:00 50 Blueprints
Horn 550 3:00:00 100 Blueprints
Hitch 1000 6:00:00 200 Blueprints

Pacific Unlock[]

In order to Research and Craft the Pacific locomotive, you must have completed Research on the Brakes (3rd Upgrade) for the Mogul Locomotive.

Upgrade and Statistics[]

The Chance to obtain items ratings is a approximation based upon the in-game bar graph. The Efficiency is the revenue divided by the costs of a contract in relative to the default:

Craft/Upgrade # of Carts Locomotive Efficiency Locomotive Reliability Speed Locomotive Chance to obtain items
5 Crystal 5 Link 1 Crankshaft 2 91% 250 100% 10%
Chimney 3 Cogwheel 4 Rope 3 Valve 2 97% 250 100% 10%
Sturdy Fastener 3 Link 5 Piston 2 Valve 2 97% 380 100% 10%
Brakes 2 Cogwheel 1 Rope 1 Chain 2 97% 380 105% 10%
Horn 2 Piston 1 Pump 1 Thermostat 2 97% 380 105% 27%
Hitch 10 Crystal 3 Crankshaft 1 Gearing 3 100% 380 100% 27%

Once all possible Upgrades have been installed, you will receive the following for its Perfection:
10,000 Silver 500 Experience Points (XP) 1 Excellent Parts

Maintenance & Dismantling[]

Maintenance Worker Preventative Maintenance may be applied through Parts Restoration in order to prevent it from breaking down where it would require full Repair.

A Maintenance Worker may also be hired for 1 Gold to apply Maintenance automatically using the most-basic Parts available in Storage.

Required Time-icon Immediate SpeedUp
10 Steel 3 Link 3 Valve 1:30:00 25 Steel

A Mogul may be Dismantled for random Parts:
